Ming-Shiuan Tsai Full Stack Web Developer

Check My Works

About Me

Hi! My name is Ming-Shiuan Tsai. I'm a software engineer. I graduate from Purdue University with Master of Science degree in Electrical amd Computer Engineering. I learned advanced knowledge in EE608 Computational Models and Methods and sharpened my programming skills in Georgia Tech Coding Bootcamp.

Besides software experiences, I also have some hardware background, such as, tape-out, circuit measuring experiences and strong fundamental electrical and electronics design knowledge. For related courses, I took Microelectronics, CMOS Analog IC, MOS VLSI Design and Embedded Systems. The combination of my electrical and computer engineering background and programming skills make me have a full understanding from hardware to software.

To see my works and experiences, check the followings!

Photo 1



Java, Python, HTML5, CSS, Javascript


MongoDB, MySQL


IntelliJ IDEA, Visual Studio Code, React, Github, Heroku, jQuery, Node.js, Postman, Robo 3T

Main projects


Amazon Clone

  • Node.js
  • Express
  • Handlebars
  • MongoDB (Mongoose)
  • Ajax, sessionStorage

Amazon Clone

Repository Link


  • Node.js
  • Express
  • MySQL (sequelize, mysql2)
  • face-api.js
  • NodeMailer NPM package


Demo Video


  • React
  • Node.js
  • MongoDB
  • Express


Deployed Link

My Experience

Professional Summary


  • Programming Languages: Java, Python, HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, React, Node.js
  • Database: MongoDB, MySQL
  • Tools, Platforms: IntelliJ IDEA, Visual Studio Code, Github, Heroku, jQuery, Postman, Robo 3T


Georgia Tech Coding Boot Camp

Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA, USA

  • Amazon Clone Page
    • Language: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Node.js, Express
    • Use MongoDB for different product info and tags
    • Use Ajax to interact with server and sessionStorage to improve user experience
    • Single page application, dynamic web rendering
  • Facebell
    • Language: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Node.js, Express
    • Use MySQL to organize the single type data base
    • This web application is designed iwth face recognition and can send/receive MMS message for the authorization purpose
  • Survey App
    • Language: React, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Nod.js, Express
    • Use MongoDB for the flexibility of the questions and surveys types
    • Use REact for easier dynamic rendering for different data charts
    • The owner is able to create new surveys, collect survey data from others, modified data and check the analysis of the data

Application Engineer

Everel America, Inc.

  • Software
    • Build New Website: everelamerica.com
    • the web is fully responsive and the static design makes it load quicker for large quantity of images
    • Use Sass for easier and efficient maintenance of the web style
    • I designed, updated and maintained the entire website
  • Hardware
    • Create data sheets and provide technical explanations to customer
    • Collect and identify technical data from customer
    • Testing, soldering and maintaining our product quality with no customer returns and complains
    • Successfully bring revenue to company with over 100k quantity order

Research Project

Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA

  • A Single-Chip Wireless Microelectrode Array for Neural Recording and Stimulation
    • Designed Ultra-compact and energy-efficient Low Noise Amplifier(LNA), Multiplexer(MUX)
    • Designed integrated neural amplifiers using DC clamping topology in 45 nm CMOS SOI
    • Solved input DC offset problem during neuron measurement


  • Purdue University, Indiana, USA

    Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering

    • Specialize in VLSI and Integrated Circuit Design
    • Course: Computational Models nad Methods, System-On-Chip Design, High-Speed Mixed-Signal IC, Embedded Systems, MOS VLSI Design, CMOS Analog IC Design,

  • National Tsing Hua University (NTHU), Hsinchu, Taiwan

    Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering

    • Specialize in VLSI and Integrated Circuit Design